
How an Undue Influence Claim Can Invalidate a Will – Lulich & Attorneys

How an Undue Influence Claim Can Invalidate a Will – Lulich & Attorneys There are several grounds why a Florida court may decide not to probate a will: One common ground for denying probate is called “undue influence.” In short, beneficiaries who have been cut out of a will or have been chosen to receive less than that what they would normally get sometimes argue that the decedent […]

An Overview of Closing Costs in Florida Real Estate Transactions

An Overview of Closing Costs in Florida Real Estate Transactions The price for real estate is not the only bill you will need to pay when purchasing property. There are numerous fees that participants in the process will charge you, which can be considerable and add a significant amount to your purchase price. You should understand the extent of the fees before you sign any […]

Why Do I Need to Hire a Hit-and-Run Accident Attorney?

Why Do I Need to Hire a Hit-and-Run Accident Attorney? After a hit-and-run accident, medical bills and car repair costs can quickly pile up. This is where the assistance of a hit-and-run accident attorney becomes crucial. Schedule A Consultation Today! Pursuing Hit-and-Run Compensation Can Get Complicated The path to compensation after a hit-and-run accident includes a complexity not found in typical traffic accident cases. In […]

What Is the Truck Accident Claim Process?

What Is the Truck Accident Claim Process? Experiencing a truck accident can change your life, given the massive size and weight of these vehicles, leading to more severe consequences than typical vehicular accidents. If you or someone close has been affected by such an incident, you’ll need to understand the ins and outs of the claim process. This includes expectations and how […]

When Is the Trucking Company Liable?

When Is the Trucking Company Liable? Truck accidents can cause serious harm and damage, making it important for those impacted to understand liability issues. Our team of experienced truck accident attorneys is here to explore the key factors determining trucking companies’ accountability in accidents. Schedule A Consultation Today! Is a Trucking Company Liable for Negligent Hiring and Training? When we entrust […]

What to Do after a Truck Accident

What to Do after a Truck Accident A truck accident can fill your life with chaos and uncertainty. You might wonder what steps to take next. Our truck accident lawyers aim to guide you through this difficult time with practical advice and support. This blog will walk you through the actions you should take after a truck accident. Let’s explore these steps […]

Selling a Tenant-Occupied Home: What to Know When You’re Selling a House With Tenants

Selling a Tenant-Occupied Home: What to Know When You’re Selling a House With Tenants Florida landlords need to address a number of legal and practical issues when they are selling a house with tenants still living in it. The legal considerations are generally the same whether the property is a single-family home, a condominium, or another type of dwelling. Depending on the property, there may be additional contractual requirements […]

What to Know if You Have Been Involved in a Truck Accident

What to Know if You Have Been Involved in a Truck Accident A crash with a commercial truck can flip your life upside down in an instant. Suddenly, you may have severe injuries, a totaled vehicle, tens or hundreds of thousands in medical bills, and be out of work. What will you do if the worst happens and you’re in a truck crash? The following article describes […]

Investing In A New Vacation Home In Florida? Avoid These Pitfalls

Investing In A New Vacation Home In Florida? Avoid These Pitfalls Florida has been booming recently, and more Americans are moving to the Sunshine State and buying homes. Many people are also buying second homes and vacation homes in Florida. A vacation home has many life-enriching benefits because it gives you a specific place to spend more time with family and friends and create new memories. […]

What Is A Petition For Partition, And When Is It Used?

What Is A Petition For Partition, And When Is It Used? Many states often resolve disputes concerning jointly owned property through partition. For example, when two co-owners of a property cannot agree on certain matters, the court may force the property to be sold. Subsequently, the co-owners receive their share of the property sale proceeds based on their ownership percentages. This is known as a petition […]