
How Much is My Spinal Cord Injury Worth in a Lawsuit?

How Much is My Spinal Cord Injury Worth in a Lawsuit? A spinal cord injury is one of the most severe effects of an accident that you can suffer. Here, sudden trauma has impacted the spinal cord, which sends messages from the brain to the rest of the body. The area below where the spinal cord suffered an injury cannot receive these messages to carry out […]

How Much Is Whiplash Worth in a Lawsuit?

How Much Is Whiplash Worth in a Lawsuit? Whiplash is a common injury that you can suffer in either a car accident or a fall. It generally occurs when your body is subject to a sharp and sudden movement. Your head and neck may be the only things that snap forward, even when the rest of your body remains still, causing you physical […]

What Can I Do if an Insurance Company Denies My Car Accident Claim?

What Can I Do if an Insurance Company Denies My Car Accident Claim? You expect to receive some money for your accident-related losses when you submit a claim to an at-fault driver’s insurance company. Although it may take time for them to get back to you, you still expect a settlement after insurance companies review your submitted evidence showing their policyholder caused your accident and injuries. You know […]

Driving While License Suspended Charges in Florida – Lulich & Attorneys

Driving While License Suspended Charges in Florida – Lulich & Attorneys Many people risk driving with a suspended or revoked license because having a car is so essential. If the police learn that you drove while your license is suspended, your license could be suspended for years or even revoked. You could be charged with driving with suspended license (DWSL), a crime that could land you […]

Do I Need a Real Estate Attorney to Close the Sale of a Home in Florida? – Lulich & Attorneys

Do I Need a Real Estate Attorney to Close the Sale of a Home in Florida? – Lulich & Attorneys Florida law does not require buyers or sellers to obtain a real estate attorney for closing the sale of a home, but that doesn’t mean you don’t need one. Instead, you should consider a real estate closing lawyer to represent your interests in a home buying transaction and protect your rights. A real estate transaction […]

Real Estate Attorney: Why You Need One – Lulich & Attorneys

Real Estate Attorney: Why You Need One – Lulich & Attorneys Why do I need a real estate attorney? Most people do not navigate the buying and selling of real estate frequently enough to understand the process or know how to look out for their best interests. In addition, real estate laws are often complex, and it can prove more challenging than you might think to […]

How the Residential Eviction Process Works in Florida – Lulich & Attorneys

How the Residential Eviction Process Works in Florida – Lulich & Attorneys Florida Eviction overview Florida law strives to provide the right balance between protecting tenants and landlords. The eviction process can be rough on tenants especially if it is because they don’t have money to pay rent instead of for personal reasons. Landlords are running a business and have the right to be paid for offering […]

Real Estate Attorney Closer versus Title Company – Lulich & Attorneys

Real Estate Attorney Closer versus Title Company – Lulich & Attorneys Anyone buying or selling a residence in Florida should employ a real estate settlement lawyer. It’s tempting, but wrong, to think that the title company can adequately represent the interests of the buyers or sellers. The roles of the Florida estate lawyer and the title company are different – even though they often work together. […]

Florida Procedures for Evicting Unauthorized Guests – Lulich & Attorneys

Florida Procedures for Evicting Unauthorized Guests – Lulich & Attorneys Most written lease agreements have a provision defining unauthorized guests. Generally, only the people who sign the lease and agree to pay rent have the right to stay in the property. Many times, a tenant will let a girlfriend, boyfriend, relative, or friend stay in the apartment. An overnight visit is probably not going to […]

How an Undue Influence Claim Can Invalidate a Will – Lulich & Attorneys

How an Undue Influence Claim Can Invalidate a Will – Lulich & Attorneys There are several grounds why a Florida court may decide not to probate a will: One common ground for denying probate is called “undue influence.” In short, beneficiaries who have been cut out of a will or have been chosen to receive less than that what they would normally get sometimes argue that the decedent […]