
What if I Am Partly to Blame for My Car Accident?

What if I Am Partly to Blame for My Car Accident? Being in a car accident can be a traumatic experience, and often, we tend to assign blame to the other party. But what if you find yourself in a situation where someone claims you are partially responsible for the accident? It’s essential to understand your rights and responsibilities in such a scenario and to seek […]

How Much is My Spinal Cord Injury Worth in a Lawsuit?

How Much is My Spinal Cord Injury Worth in a Lawsuit? A spinal cord injury is one of the most severe effects of an accident that you can suffer. Here, sudden trauma has impacted the spinal cord, which sends messages from the brain to the rest of the body. The area below where the spinal cord suffered an injury cannot receive these messages to carry out […]

How Much Is Whiplash Worth in a Lawsuit?

How Much Is Whiplash Worth in a Lawsuit? Whiplash is a common injury that you can suffer in either a car accident or a fall. It generally occurs when your body is subject to a sharp and sudden movement. Your head and neck may be the only things that snap forward, even when the rest of your body remains still, causing you physical […]

What Can I Do if an Insurance Company Denies My Car Accident Claim?

What Can I Do if an Insurance Company Denies My Car Accident Claim? You expect to receive some money for your accident-related losses when you submit a claim to an at-fault driver’s insurance company. Although it may take time for them to get back to you, you still expect a settlement after insurance companies review your submitted evidence showing their policyholder caused your accident and injuries. You know […]

Why Do I Need to Hire a Hit-and-Run Accident Attorney?

Why Do I Need to Hire a Hit-and-Run Accident Attorney? After a hit-and-run accident, medical bills and car repair costs can quickly pile up. This is where the assistance of a hit-and-run accident attorney becomes crucial. Schedule A Consultation Today! Pursuing Hit-and-Run Compensation Can Get Complicated The path to compensation after a hit-and-run accident includes a complexity not found in typical traffic accident cases. In […]

How Does an Insurance Company Decide Who Was at Fault?

How Does an Insurance Company Decide Who Was at Fault? While you expect an insurance company to fulfill its contractual obligations and to behave ethically after an accident, that doesn’t always happen. This is because many insurance companies prioritize their bottom line over paying injured parties’ claims. If they can point the finger at you and pin the accident on your actions or inactions, they […]

What Happens When a Car Accident Exceeds Insurance Limits?

What Happens When a Car Accident Exceeds Insurance Limits? Legal auto insurance requirements are in place in most states, and most drivers adhere to at least the required minimum coverage. These requirements help protect drivers should the unexpected occur. Many other drivers even elect to purchase more than the required types or amounts to protect themselves further. However, what happens if insurance coverage runs […]

Who Pays for My Injuries If the Other Driver Is Uninsured?

Who Pays for My Injuries If the Other Driver Is Uninsured? A motor vehicle accident is typically a jarring and overwhelming experience. The shock intensifies if you discover that the driver responsible for the collision does not have the mandatory auto insurance coverage, adding a layer of uneasiness and frustration to an already challenging situation. The realization that the other driver neglected this legal obligation can […]

How Much Should You Ask for in a Car Accident Settlement?

How Much Should You Ask for in a Car Accident Settlement? All across the nation, no matter what state you live in, car accidents are unfortunately frequent, ranging from minor fender benders to life-altering collisions. After a serious car accident, you’re likely facing physical injuries, emotional trauma, financial burdens, and navigating the complexities of insurance claims. When you hire a seasoned car accident lawyer, they understand […]

How much does a lawyer cost for a car accident?

How much does a lawyer cost for a car accident? One of the most common questions that accident victims have is, “How much does a Sebastian car accident lawyer cost?” It’s a reasonable question. After experiencing the trauma of an accident, the last thing you want is the added stress of unmanageable legal fees. Thankfully, the legal industry, particularly in personal injury and car accidents, […]