
What to Do after a Truck Accident

What to Do after a Truck Accident A truck accident can fill your life with chaos and uncertainty. You might wonder what steps to take next. Our truck accident lawyers aim to guide you through this difficult time with practical advice and support. This blog will walk you through the actions you should take after a truck accident. Let’s explore these steps […]

Selling a Tenant-Occupied Home: What to Know When You’re Selling a House With Tenants

Selling a Tenant-Occupied Home: What to Know When You’re Selling a House With Tenants Florida landlords need to address a number of legal and practical issues when they are selling a house with tenants still living in it. The legal considerations are generally the same whether the property is a single-family home, a condominium, or another type of dwelling. Depending on the property, there may be additional contractual requirements […]

What to Know if You Have Been Involved in a Truck Accident

What to Know if You Have Been Involved in a Truck Accident A crash with a commercial truck can flip your life upside down in an instant. Suddenly, you may have severe injuries, a totaled vehicle, tens or hundreds of thousands in medical bills, and be out of work. What will you do if the worst happens and you’re in a truck crash? The following article describes […]

Investing In A New Vacation Home In Florida? Avoid These Pitfalls

Investing In A New Vacation Home In Florida? Avoid These Pitfalls Florida has been booming recently, and more Americans are moving to the Sunshine State and buying homes. Many people are also buying second homes and vacation homes in Florida. A vacation home has many life-enriching benefits because it gives you a specific place to spend more time with family and friends and create new memories. […]

What Is A Petition For Partition, And When Is It Used?

What Is A Petition For Partition, And When Is It Used? Many states often resolve disputes concerning jointly owned property through partition. For example, when two co-owners of a property cannot agree on certain matters, the court may force the property to be sold. Subsequently, the co-owners receive their share of the property sale proceeds based on their ownership percentages. This is known as a petition […]

What Is the Purpose of Making an Estate Plan?

What Is the Purpose of Making an Estate Plan? Many Americans spend time planning their vacations, which vehicle to buy, or where to go out for dinner. But far too few devote time to planning who will inherit their property after they are gone. Without proper estate planning, your money and assets may not go to the people you wish. That’s why estate planning […]

How Does an Insurance Company Decide Who Was at Fault?

How Does an Insurance Company Decide Who Was at Fault? While you expect an insurance company to fulfill its contractual obligations and to behave ethically after an accident, that doesn’t always happen. This is because many insurance companies prioritize their bottom line over paying injured parties’ claims. If they can point the finger at you and pin the accident on your actions or inactions, they […]

What to Do on Your First Offer From the Insurance Company After a Truck Accident?

What to Do on Your First Offer From the Insurance Company After a Truck Accident? Unfortunately for injured parties, truck accident claims involve complexities related to insurance matters. Initial offers from insurance companies may seem enticing and come as a relief during much financial strain. Still, insurance companies craft them to favor the insurer rather than the victim. Accepting or rejecting these offers can significantly impact your overall financial recovery […]

Just How Bad is the Housing Market for Florida Buyers and Sellers?

Just How Bad is the Housing Market for Florida Buyers and Sellers? Escalating mortgage rates are a challenge for Florida’s real estate landscape, contributing to a decline in finalized transactions for single-family homes and townhouses/condos. In the face of these hurdles, there has been a noteworthy rise in end-of-month inventory levels for both property types. However, they remain beneath the levels observed before the onset of the […]

Real Estate Seller Disputes in Florida

Real Estate Seller Disputes in Florida In the vibrant Florida real estate market, where properties change hands regularly, seller disputes can be stumbling blocks in an otherwise smooth transaction. Navigating seller disputes requires a balanced understanding of Florida real estate law, whether it’s issues with disclosures, contract breaches, or disagreements over property conditions. Here’s what you need to know about common […]